Thursday, September 01, 2005

Yes I do "dabble" in the A-word

Yes I do dabble in the a-word - Applique. Now I am not the best at it, and sometimes I do it in probably unaccepted ways, but it is fun when I"m into the pattern and gives me something to work on while watching TV with the kids and allows me to be with the family while working on it (my sewing room is in our unfinished basement).

Above is what I'm currently working on, Jan Patek's Millenium Garden. The block that goes where the plain green plaid fabric is laying is the next one and it will be a big pot with a big black bird on it. I've decided to use a different green plaid background that is smaller plaid and more off-white in it. Also after I got so many blocks made I decided the gold stars on the bottom need to be changed. I'm going to make the background more brown, less bright gold. Those happened to be one of the first blocks I made and luckily one of the easiest to change!

Tonya - just to warn you I"m off the computer over weekends, and will be off this Monday, so if I don't get to post tomorrow it could be until Tues till you hear from me again! But maybe I'll just have a new project or two to share with you!

I"m not too chatty today, just got a call from my husband that my 17 year old son has decided he is not going to school and left the house. After lots of yelling and screaming. Something is bugging him but won't tell us. We are guessing the girlfriend told him to take a hike. Anyway he has been moody for weeks now. So now I'm having a fit at work that he took off and is not at school, I'll probably be driving back shortly (another hour drive) to go find him and take care of things. Something is bugging him and it is giving our household a headache!

So that is about it for today, hopefully tomorrow will bring happy days again!

2 comments from wonderful readers:

Tracey said... 1

OH MY GOODNESS!!! I *LOVE* those blocks!! You are doing a fabulous job on them. :o) Applique is fast becoming a favorite of mine as well. Keep up the good work! Hope that things calm down with your son as well. 17 is a tough age. Heck, being a teen is tough! Hang in there mom.

Quilts And Pieces said... 2

Thanks Tracey! I just wish I had more time for the applique! :)

Can't wait to see your daughters quilt she made for the shower!