Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Another Charity Quilt Done!

Well, I"ve been busy, busy, busy! And my oldest comes home from college on Friday! I'm so excited! The tree got put up with lights this weekend, but no ornaments yet. The girls want to decorate it with me, but our schedules are not lining up! And work continues to be busy so I've been putting in too many hours there.

But I did get a chance to finish another charity quilt this weekend! Of course it is one of Bonnie's patterns - and I love how it turned out. I used up a bunch of old FQs I had laying around. This quilt is so fun how it makes up with such "scraps" of fabric! I want to do another one "someday"!

Oh and I had to make up some bracelets for my mom to give my sister and her daughter. My niece loves to "match mommy" so my mom thought matching bracelets would be cute. Rebecca thinks if she matches mommy no one can tell them apart - and that tickles her. She is special needs and such simple joys give her such pleasure. I"m really pleased with the design and how they turned out - now I want to get more beads and make one for me!
I'm off to catch up on everyone's blogs - it has been a couple of days and I miss you all so much! Toodles!

8 comments from wonderful readers:

Nancy said... 1

Don't you love Bonnie's patterns! I like the way yours came out. This is one of my UFOs. All cut from bright happy scraps. It will go to one of my nieces when it's finished.

The Calico Cat said... 2

how sweet to make those bracelets!
& Nice quilt. I am sure that will warm someones hear & soul! (Body too!)

Darcie said... 3

Great quilt, Dawn! You're very generous.

Love your bracelets, too. I like the mix of textures. Yum!


Bonnie K. Hunter said... 4

The bargello is awesome! How many panels did you piece to do that version, keeping all the panels the same? I love asymmetrical layout!


Finn said... 5

Great quilt Dawn..I do like Bonnie's patterns for so many thing. They piece up fast and pretty. Good job on the braclets too, that is so sweet of you to do that for Mom...Hugs, Finn

Granny said... 6

Nice quilt. It looks way hard to me! The bracelets are so cute! That's funny that the daughter thinks no one will be able to tell them apart!

Judy L.

Tonya Ricucci said... 7

Quilt turned out great. I esp love the red and white (?) check that turns into green halfway thru. You'll all look beautiful in such great bracelets.
Now stop working so much - that's boring :)

Joanne said... 8

I'm just catching up, too! You've been busy! Love the charity quilt -- guess I might have to add that pattern to the ones I want to do!