Monday, December 05, 2005

The Princess Quilt is Done and Delivered!

Well, it has been a crazy day at work, so this is short and sweet! I totally finished quilting the princess quilt this weekend, and my friend picked it up! So it is done and will soon be in the happy hands of Pat's granddaughter!

So I just had to share that much with you!!!!

4 comments from wonderful readers:

Granny said... 1

That is just so cute! I wish I could see the girl's face when she sees it!

Judy L.

Leah Spencer said... 2

Whooooo!!! Feels great, doesn't it? :)

Tonya Ricucci said... 3

Done - hurrah!!!! Hope work quiets down for ya so you can start having fun again.

Darcie said... 4

Your Princess quilt looks great, Dawn! What a great feeling of accomplishment, right. Good job! Give yourself a pat on the back, via me!