OK, sure fine - I'll let you all laugh at my expense! My sewing room is an unfinished dark basement! And right next to our computer. So here are some pictures of my sewing area from about 2 years ago. My stash on the table has grown and changed colors - very much more dark fabrics and plaids. And I needed more room so the 2nd machine is taken down and put away - replacing it with another table of "stuff". I'll have to take new pics for you to see!

Anyway - hope you all enjoy the mess. I'm sure it will make you all feel better about your areas!

6 comments from wonderful readers:
OOhhhh Dawn, And I would come over and play and dug in your stash:c) .. I love to see it . special the messy. Just like when I am busy with sewing. The little basketquilt... over there. I love it . Can you take a closer pic foe me?
I like your chicken quilt.... and the cake stand... (Your basement is bigger than my apartment...)
Oooooooooh.......aaaaaaaaaaah! Look at that beautiful stash!! And I love how you've put up pics of different quilts/pics from EQ(??) up on the walls. Very inspiring!
Your sewing room looks great! I can never find anything if it's neat and all put away.
Now Dawn, you know I would never laugh AT you, but I'd be happy to laugh with you!! You know my sewing room has looked that bad and worse! AND..I'm here 24/7..no kids to run to activities, no spouse to stop and feed or shop for or pick up after(hurray for that!!!*G*)
And besides all that..YOU WORK! I think you get an amazing amount done...it always amazes me to see how many quilts you have to show us. Doesn't matter when they were made..they all got made by sewing 2 pieces of fabric together at a time, and we KNOW that takes time. Cut yourself some slack here. If you can find what you want and need in "your" space, that's all that matters!!!! And I really appreciate you being brave enough to show us..after seeing Bonnie's I wasn't sure I would show mine..ya know????? *VBG*
Dawn, ask Santa for some flourescent light fixtures for the ceiling that you can put the natural-light bulbs in - makes a world of difference and you won't feel like you're stuck in the dungeon...
I've had messier sewing rooms than that...
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