Tuesday, December 20, 2005

One Step Closer!

OK, One step closer to having my mini repro quilt on the wall! I got the binding done this weekend and in the frame! It is now sitting on the floor of my living room waiting for my husband to hang it up.

I even offered to pound the holes in the wall and do it myself (thinking that would scare him into doing it faster) but it is still sitting on the floor. I'm keeping the hammer on my bathroom counter to remind him every morning and night also!

10 comments from wonderful readers:

Joanne said... 1

Looks great all framed -- hope it gets hung soon!

Granny said... 2

Dawn: That's a beautiful quilt! How did you frame it?

Judy L.

Tracey said... 3

Wow! I LOVE that, Dawn! LOL at the dh. He sounds SO MUCH like mine!!

Nines said... 4

Good to hear you're not the nagging type. Just the persistent type, right? Maybe you could try something like, "Hon, could I get you something to drink while you hang that picture?" or "Wish I were as good at hanging pictures as you are." That aside, maybe you could prop it in front of the TV. With the hammer. I love this quilt you did and I know it'll look even better on your wall! Have you tried bribing him?

Quiltgranny said... 5

Love the quilt, and love the way it is framed. Just a perfect complement to the quilt! How about sitting it in his favorite chair, or his place in the bed - or his place at the table?

Tonya Ricucci said... 6

looks great, Dawn. Yeah, my hubby gets worried about me hanging things on the wall too - he has to do it all precisely with measuring tapes and levels. I just whack a hole in the wall where I think it looks good.

Lucy said... 7

Wow I how the quilt is framed! So special. I think If your whole house is liek this it must be a very "warm"house :c)

quiltpixie said... 8

Your quilt is just wonderful! Good luck at getting it hung

Finn said... 9

It turned out great Dawn..very authentic looking...you could fool me..! Beautiful job..

Darcie said... 10

Love how your Repro quilt turned out, Dawn. The frame just *makes* it, doesn't it!

Hope it's hung by now! ;-)