Oh so many things to make me feel old this weekend. My babies are growing up! The picture above was taken about 12 years ago - aren't they just too cute! I miss those days!
So this weekend the blue crayon - Jenna 16 - had to open at work at the ice cream parlour in town by hereself. Oh my heart when I watched her in her cute little apron unlocking the door to the shop and locking herself in to get things ready! For some reason the realization of all the responsibility at 16 tugged at my heart! The owner was on vacation this week and one of the workers quit - so Jenna and another friend who works there, revised the work schedule and covered hours for her. They are two pretty great girls! I don't recall ever being so responsible at 16!
And then my baby - the little purple crayon - Emily 13 got her first babysitting job! It is for a family who Holly (Pink Crayon - 19) started with, then passed the job down to Jenna, and now Jenna is passing the job down to Emily! Kind of like a family tradition! Good thing I don't have any more girls though - or soon those girls will be older than my girls! :) But it was too cute when Jenna was on the phone with the mom. She can't babysit that day because she is in marching band and it is homecoming weekend - so she asks Mrs Kelly if it is ok if Emily babysit. And Jenna informs her that, that would be a good day for Emily to start because Jenna can check in on her during the day to make sure everything is ok - isn't that sweet! But I know Jenna remembers her big sister Holly checking in on her, her first time with them! Poor Emily though is starting to worry about how to keep these 2 girls busy all day! It is a long stretch to watch them, from like 3pm until midnight! I"m sure she will be fine - but once again it made me feel old!
Then of course there is the blue crayon - Adam 17 - who is being the rebellious teenage boy right now. This weekend there was no shaving! No it can't be - hair on my little boys face!
And my oldest - the pink crayon - Holly 19 - who just called me from college and said she did apartment shopping this weekend for next year!
Can I really be old enough to have children old enough to do all these things????!!!! Oh man, I'm felling old!
Here is a picture of them from about 3 years ago - wow have they changed since little crayons - and you wouldn't believe how they have grown and changed in the last 3 years!
2 comments from wonderful readers:
Lovely family you have there. I'm new to this blogging thing, but enjoying reading all the quilting posts and envious of the quilting that is actually getting done! I too am from northern Illinois -- Byron!
Well - back to the interesting reading! Take care. Joanne
My blog: porchrockersplace.blogspot.com
Hi Dawn, when you are over at Pieces, click on my email addy on the See more of my profile page. I'll use the respond and let you know where in WI I am without publishing it world wide..*VBG*
Actually you may have been right on the money with allegeries. I did close up the house this a.m. and turned the thermostat lower so the AC ran more, and I've stopped sniffling and sneezing..*S*
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