Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Another Clue

Another clue for the challenge to be revealed Thursday with Darlene and Nicole - sorry about not having a better picture yesterday.

I've also been sewing away on Jenna's graduation quilt. I really have more done than it looks here, but I only have 4 complete blocks done. So here is a shot of 4 of them so far! I have to get it completed in the next 2 weeks to get to the long-armer so that will give me some motivation!

12 comments from wonderful readers:

Anonymous said...

Love the machine quilting on this quilt. Can't wait to see the final reveal...

Unknown said...

I really like those graduation quilt blocks - you may not look like you've done much but I'll bet you've got lots of part stitched ones in the background which with a little bit of stitching will make a whole load of blocks

Darlene said...

Love the second peek at your Celebrate Spring quilt. It's darling - love the quilting.

Jenna's quilt is coming along nicely. You'll get it done!

Libby said...

Jenna's quilt looks great - she's gonna love it!

Carole said...

Thanks for the second peak. I know I'll love it! I'm curious to know what thread you used for the stippling? Your graduation quilt is coming along nicely! Thanks for sharing!

Vicki W said...

Love those blocks for the graduation quilt!

Unknown said...

The bright colours and the blocks are great, a lot of space to write on but still not too much background, very clever! I want to see more of the pastel quilt as well, I can´t wait to admire the quilting which seems to be gorgeous! Take care.

Diane said...

What a lucky girl your daughter is! My son just came home from his first year of college only to find his high school graduation quilt still up on the design wall. Diane

meggie said...

Keeping us in suspense! Looks very very nice.
Also love the blocks for your daughter's quilt.

Anonymous said...

Do you seriously have that top quilted allready??? This is very sophisticated! My mom better watch out!!!

Leigh said...

Both the quilts look great. Your daughter will be so thrilled.

atet said...

Both of those look great. Can't wait to see the celebrate spring finish and those graduation blocks just look like such fun!