Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Finished my Ice Cream Beauty block

Got my Ice Cream New York Beauty block done! I"m going to make 3 more and make a really fun wall hanging!

And here is a peek at what I have been working on the last month and half. Emily's graduation quilt. This is just 4 blocks - there will be more.....

11 comments from wonderful readers:

antique quilter said... 1

wow all that writing on the quilt, great memories for her...can you believe the last one is finally graduating high school???? HOw did this happen????
4 more years of college bills thats what I keep telling myself..although M's is now looking at a 5 year program AAAHHHH!!!!!

can't wait to see the finished quilt
great block btw

筠銘 said... 2
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Anne Ida said... 3

How pretty that ice cream block is - yummy! Look forward to seeing how your wallhanging turns out!

That hunter's star block - wow! What a treasure for her!

Karen said... 4

Good finish to your sundae block.

I am intrigued by the graduation quilt. I enlarged the picture but can't read the writing. Is this fabric that has writing on it or something someone has written on?

Thimbleanna said... 5

My mouth dropped at that ice cream block (I LOVE it) and then I saw the graduation block! Wow! I LOVE how everyone is writing SO much to Emily. I LOVE graduation quilts like that and really had a great time when I made them for my boys. I can't wait to see your finished quilt!

Lori said... 6

The NYB is a real beauty and looks perfect!!!
What a fun graduation quilt. I can't wait to see it all together and hear more about what it says on it.

Loris said... 7

The NYB looks delish :-)
And what a great idea for Emily's quilt. Did you sew the block together before the writing started? I have something similar to do for a friend but the writing goes all the way to the edge...no seam allowance, so I'm going to have to applique a whole stack of blocks on to another fabric. :-(

Gypsy Quilter said... 8

Wow, lots of colorful things going on in your studio! Looking forward to seeing them done.

Days and colors said... 9

The Hunter's star looks great! Love the colors.

Holly @ Hello Audrey Ruth said... 10

Oh my gosh...Emily's friends write A LOT. And here I wrote a lot because I am her sister and felt a little obligated :P Good thing I did though or mine would have stuck out like a sore thumb!

Marga (MarPie) said... 11

I realy like this quilt. It is a treasure for life. How are you going to quilt this one? Probaly in the ditch so you gan still read the writing.

Greetings from Holland,