I thought I would share some of the more humorous and fun quilts at Paducah today.
First of all - who doesn't love Elvis! My kids still believe he is alive!!! OK, well not anymore, but when they were young and they saw an Elvis impersonator at fairs and such they thought he was the "REAL Elivis"! This quilt was from a pattern in Quilter's Newsletter Magazine called "I Love the Fabric but What Do I Do with It?"! Don't you love the unused tickets on the bottom - They were for some date in 1977 and the price was $7.50! Geez, you can't even buy enough gas to get to a concert these days for that price!
This quilt won 1st place for Handmade Quilts. It was called "These are a few of my Favorite Things". (Can you tell I finally remembered to bring my book in to work with the descriptions and information!). The radial images are all inspired by things the maker enjoys.
I could make out a lot of the "things" but boy some I couldn't figure out. I wish now I would have taken closeup pictures of all of them to look at now! Here are Candy Canes I'm guessing.
And School House, Bell and Apples. Around it I can make out Postage Stamps to the bottom left. And I think Elephants to the top right.
Lilies of the Valley, Thimbles and yo-yo's or tatting or something and cats, ball of yarn and hearts to the far right.
And for you Cat Lovers - A naughty, naughty cat called "I didn't Do It"!

And one of my favorite fun ones - "Sunday in the Park with Mittens". This shows the makers local dog park with dogs she has known through her life - aren't they awesome!!!!

And a fun more folk arty (kinda) looking dog one called "A Dog Called Moda". The maker originally made this for the fairly recent Moda Challenge and was her first totally original design. There was a really cute poem on the quilt also - but I can't recall it anymore.

And "Bring Back the 30's" was made for the makers daughter who collects '30s hats, shoes and purses. She used several patterns but made an original layout.

And last but not least for today is "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner". Each plate is in the style of one of the maker's (this was a joint quilt) favorite quilters.
That's all for today!!!!!