I finally get to share my secret project with you! I've been waiting now for over 3 months to share this! But I was making it for my best quilting friend here at home, but she reads my blog - so I didn't dare post it!
She has had a really hard year. Both her mom and dad were dying of cancer and she started traveling to Florida to visit and help take care of them. I guess her trips started around April, but she flew back and forth. But by summer she was down there during the weeks with sporadic trips back home on weekends. By September she was down there full time. It has been a really hard year for her. Her dad passed in September and her mom just passed New Year's Eve.
Anyway, I wanted to so much to do something for her, but there wasn't much I could do, so I started a comfort quilt for her in Sept. I collected blocks from her internet and local friends. They applique'd a heart or star on the block and then signed it. I put them together in a quilt and then added Tonya's letters for a message around the border! Doesn't it look great. But let me tell you - that was enough free form piecing for me for awhile!!!! :) I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks, but that doesn't mean he doesn't get tired!

One of you posted this saying on your blog around Sept/Oct and I"m so sorry I don't remember who it was. I think you said you painted it on a sign? Anyway, it was so perfect for the saying on the quilt I had to use it. The original saying went
"Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know
that they are always there".
So I placed the words around the border
"Good friends are like stars..... you know they are always there"
And then placed on the back the middle of the saying (minus a few words - I burned out on letters!)
"you don't always see them but"

She got her quilt in the mail yesterday and just LOVED it! She was so surprised and I think shocked! She is seeing friends this weekend and can't wait to show them. I was so happy to hear happiness in her voice after such a long hard year on her! It was so good to hear a touch of excitement and pleasure.

One the home front I totally finished off the folk art pineapple quilt and remembered that I had never shown you the back! I used all the left over triangles to piece a strip on the back! Isn't it fun!